Labour law
What can Interro help you with?
Fraud by your own staff. It's hard to imagine, but it still happens to about 1 in 7 companies. The 'old-fashioned' stealing from the boss is of course well known, and the accompanying figures are often shocking. In recent years, I have seen countless cases where staff felt they were 'entitled to more'. Sometimes with distressing underlying situations, sometimes 'just' for financial reasons.
Interro investigates employment law issues if there appears to be sufficient reason to do so. With integrity and discretion, of course, but also decisiveness and perseverance. With an eye for facts, of course, but also for the human aspect. Curious about 'the story behind the fraud'. Why was the fraud committed? How can the employer (as the injured party) possibly be compensated?
Tackling internal fraud is work for specialists. A detective agency or private investigation firm can add value as a specialist. By sitting alongside the entrepreneur and, if necessary, the employment lawyer, and then conducting an investigation with an eye for detail, most cases are completed to your great satisfaction. Because the employees of Interro Recherchediensten are specialists you can and may rely on.

Theft by staff
Is it a criminal offence to take a pen from work? Can you make 1,000 copies at work for the local sports club without asking?
We get questions like this on a regular basis, including in radio and television interviews, for example. The answer is not always simple.
Much depends on the internal culture within a company, but obviously it never hurts to use common sense.

Unjustified absenteeism
One of the most underestimated forms of internal fraud is unauthorised (fraudulent) sick leave. Absenteeism due to illness costs Dutch businesses a great deal of money; according to MKB Servicedesk, the cost of a sick member of staff is between € 230 and € 400 per day. During a survey, 29% of the employers questioned had to deal with long-term sick leave within their organisation.

Breach of non-competition clause
As an entrepreneur, you are busy with business every day. Taking care of the continuity of the company, ensuring lasting customer relations and of course also ensuring satisfied, enthusiastic and loyal staff. But what if people start saying that this one employee is not very loyal at all, and that this employee is actually cheating on you? That this employee is doing other work during working hours, your expensive working hours, and is lining his own pockets in the process? Research can provide clarity.

Other integrity issues
It can give you sleepless nights: who is responsible for this loss? What is causing my stock to disappear? Is someone making mistakes, or is there deliberate manipulation? Is that one employee really sick, or is my gut feeling correct? How is it possible that this competitor is always one step ahead of me? Is someone leaking information?
Are the rumours about advantages granted to market players by my employee true? Are the rumours about the addiction of my staff member, to whom I have awarded a crucial position in my organisation, true?
Interro investigates these kinds of issues with an eye to all aspects. The proverbial needle in the haystack: a challenge to find.