What can Interro help you with?
In recent years, many media companies and broadcasters have found me. On the one hand for interviews, on the other hand to let my expertise be part of the television programmes to be produced.
For years, I was allowed to contribute to television programmes in the field of crime. For AVROTROS programmes such as Opgelicht (Paid Attention), Gestalkt (Stalked), Internet bullying tackled and many more, I provided editorial support, but also observations and could be seen in several items. For programmes such as Big Brother, De Gouden Kooi, Expeditie Robinson, Dreamschool and many more, I provided the screening of candidates. Recently, at the request of Concept Street, I was allowed to collaborate on a documentary about Jomanda, which was broadcasted on Discovery+.
In recent years, my expertise has also been requested several times by radio programmes. On BNR, Omroep Brabant, NPO Radio 1 and 2, my voice could be heard during topics and interviews.
Over the years, I have gained a lot of experience in the media world. I know what is asked of a detective and understand the thoughts and wishes of television producers. Investigating and tracking is a profession, but so is making television! I am often able to put myself in the position of the editors and chief editors and I try to carry out my assignments in the right way.

Editorial support & screening
In de afgelopen jaren hebben veel mediabedrijven en omroeporganisaties ons weten te vinden. Enerzijds voor interviews, anderzijds om onze expertise onderdeel te laten zijn van te produceren televisieprogramma’s.
John heeft aan een groot aantal programma’s in de crime-hoek mogen meewerken, en hij is nog altijd trots op zijn samenwerking met grote televisiepersoonlijkheden, van wie wij Peter R. de Vries er graag uitlichten.
Voor AVROTROS Opgelicht?! heeft John vele jaren werkzaamheden mogen verrichten, zowel redactioneel als voor en achter de (verborgen) camera.
Daarnaast verzorgt Interro ik al meer dan 15 jaar de screenings van kandidaten voor televisieprogramma’s. Ooit begon dit bij Expeditie Robinson, maar ook bij programma’s als Big Brother, De Gouden Kooi, Dream School en De Verraders hebben wij de kandidaten mogen screenen.

Observation is a far-reaching investigative method. After all, by observing people, you touch the personal life sphere of that person. You see, for example, what activities someone undertakes, what meetings take place and how someone moves around.
Nevertheless, observation is often a good way to get clarity on certain issues. I make use of the expertise of a select group of observers, most of whom have earned their spurs in the observation teams of the police and/or the FIOD. Observation is more than 'shadowing' or 'chasingsomeone for a day'. Observation is a specialism. The observers of Interro have mastered the art.

Observation vehicle
Interro Recherchediensten owns a well-equipped observation vehicle. Various cameras built into this vehicle make it possible to collect visual material during observations. The image quality is of a high level, which makes it possible to use these images in reports or items. Naturally, static or dynamic observations (following people) can also be carried out from this vehicle.